29 09 2023 Pov-Ray Blobmap
I use MacOS so downloaded a build via povrayunofficial.wordpress.com, there's a recently compiled version (hosted on Google Drive here) which has some nice additional native features.
Choose a source image. eg:
Save the source image in a directory with a POV-Ray source file,
:// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.8 // Blob shape with environment map example #declare imageFile = "source.png"; global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 } camera { location <0, 0, -5> direction <0, 0, 1.2071> look_at <0, 0, 0> } //Similar to sky_sphere but with no_image set so it doesn't draw sphere { 0,1.3 pigment { image_map { png imageFile once interpolate 2 map_type 1 } } finish { emission 1.2 } scale 30 hollow no_image } blob { threshold 0.60 sphere { <.75, 0, 0>, 1, 1 } sphere { <-.375, .64952, 0>, 1, 1 } sphere { <-.375, -.64952, 0>, 1, 1 } scale 1.75 finish { ambient 0.9 diffuse 0.5 reflection .82 } }
In the MacOS POV-Ray GUI navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Image & Quality and set Image Type as PNG and toggle 'Add Alpha Channel' to on. Click Render.
Combine the rendered image with the source image in any image editor, I used Figma and tweaked the 3D image slightly, made it slightly semi-transparent and altered the shadows and exposure.